Place-based teaching and learning in SD61

TPACK for Gr. 3 Math


Learning Outcome: Students will use comparative language to discuss the likelihood of simulated events.

Using the TPACK Model, I have developed connections to the BC Grade 3 Mathematics Curriculum. By focussing on Content and Pedagogical Knowledge first, I prioritized student learning and curricular goals. Once I knew what I wanted to teach, and how I wanted to teach it, I then moved on to figuring out which technologies would best support the learning objectives. I used the SAMR questions from my previous blog post to help vet my tech options and ensure they were adding value to the learning experience.

This image and the ideas within are Creative Commons (CC) and yours to use, duplicate, share, and borrow from.


YouTube read-aloud: A Very Improbable Story by Edward Einhorn

Online games of chance:

Lesson resources and materials for probability in math:

An idea for creating your own game of probability using Scratch:

Some more Games of Chance on Scratch:

TPACK Framework:

YouTube TPACK explained (Common Sense Education):

BC Curriculum for Grade 3 Math:


  1. Kaya


    Hi Katrina,

    I love your play-based focus. I can totally see Grade 3 students having so much fun creating their own Scratch probability game. Your learning outcome is very clear as well to keep the learning focused. I had never heard of “A Very Improbable Story” – it is so awesome when stories can become part of math lessons.

    Your venn diagram itself is also beautifully done. The blues and yellows are so visually appealing. I also love the brushstroke backgrounds. I wish the full titles could fit in each bubble (Pedagogical Knowledge rather than PK), but I know it is tricky to fit everything into the small spaces! Well done 🙂

    • Katrina.BC

      Hi Kaya,
      I just graduated my post-degree teacher training in December and a constant question throughout the program was: who decided play stopped after Grade 3!? I would love to make it a personal (and professional) goal to incorporate play-based learning throughout all grades. If anyone had seen my cohort (a group of adults aged 23-40+) engaging in play-based learning throughout our teacher-training, they would see that we are never, EVER too old to learn through play 🙂
      I also agree that the full titles for TPACK would have made the venn diagram more accessible. My desire for pretty ended up outweighing my accessibility focus! I’ll go back and play around to see if spending a bit more time with this means I can have both pretty & accessible!

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