Place-based teaching and learning in SD61

Category: QR Codes

Digital Literacy

Academic Search Databases

Created by Carrie Ann using for Educators

This poster on is aimed at secondary students, probably grades 11/12. 

The QR codes are:

1. A link to Lambrick Park Secondary’s VLLC’s academic databases page (my school), and

2. A link to a video explaining scholarly vs. popular sources (produced by McMaster University libraries).


Lambrick Park Library Learning Commons (n.d.).  “Research Toolkit”.  Accessed July 14, 2021. Lambrick Park Library Learning Commons. 

McMaster Libraries (2016). “How Library Stuff Works: Scholarly vs. Popular Sources” (video). Accessed July 15, 2021.McMaster University Libraries. 

Cloud Computing

Created by Katrina Crawshaw using for Educators

Reference: Tanase, Mihai. (2010). Cloud Computing – How it all works. Accessed July 12, 2021. YouTube:


Created by Katrina Crawshaw using for Educators

Reference: Shipp, Josh. (2012). Internet Safety Tips for Teens – Helpful AND Funny. Top Education Speaker Josh Shipp. Accessed July 16, 2021. YouTube:

Reading a URL

Created by Carrie Ann using for Educators

References: (2017).  “Internet Tips: Understanding URLs” (video). GCF (n.d.). “Understanding URLs” (article). Accessed July 15, 2021. 

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