Place-based teaching and learning in SD61

A Redesigned Library

I used Canva for this full presentation, including narration! This was a first, and I really enjoyed marrying my love of design with the practical elements of voice-over. Canva allowed me to include speaker’s notes for each slide so that I could read while recording. A small con was that I did not see how to include speaker’s notes until I was in record-mode, so I had to pause the recording to go through and type in all my notes, then resume recording.

After receiving some helpful feedback from colleagues, I’ve posted a video of my redesign challenge. As always, I welcome your critique and friendly feedback!

Re-Imagine Learning – a Mobile Makerspace design challenge for the 21st century learning library commons.

In case of difficulty viewing the embedded video, you can find the full presentation here.

I’ve included the tag-line “ReImagine Learning” throughout this slideshow, and it’s a phrase I’m considering branding for my future LLC. Some possible names for the mobile makerspace include:

  • Make-it Mobile
  • STEAM Cart (or STEAMobile)
  • Bob. (this one has no reason, it would just be funny)

Truthfully, I would entrust naming the Mobile Makerspace to our student body, through a month-long challenge from September-October.

Over to you:

What further information might you need in order to embark on this design challenge?

How was the pacing and flow of this presentation? What would you change?


BC Curriculum. (2016). ADST K-5.

BC Curriculum. (2016). Core Competencies.

Edutopia. (2018). Learning Problem Solving and Growth Mindset in a Makerspace.

IDEO. (2021). Design Thinking Defined.

ISTE. (2021). ISTE Standars for Educators.

Puentedura, R. (2015). SAMR: A brief introduction.


  1. Cole

    Hi Katrina,

    Your video is great. It really felt like you listened to feedback from colleagues and came up with a brilliant plan to accomodate the needs of your school community. I like that you also welcomed more questions as this is well laid out but colleague will still seek support.
    For your first question, I know what makerspaces are from these courses but I am not sure how many teachers fully know what they are let alone a mobile one. A brief explanation of what it is and what you are looking to store on it would enhance your video. The rationale is perfect as well as everything explaining its mobility, organization, and curriculum connections but the what could be enhanced slightly.
    The pacing and flow of this project is great. You speak clearly and your rationale for why you are doing this is amazing. It is a great length as people can watch/listen and not feel like it is too long which is one area I am struggling with.
    Awesome job!


  2. Hayley


    Hi Katrina,
    I really enjoyed watching your video. You presented your ideas clearly and your images supported your narration. As well, the video showed how the mobile makerspace would support all grade levels in the school. Ending with questions and sharing links for colleagues to gain additional information was a great idea! The pacing and flow was just right – really well done! My only wonder is if you had considered including how makerspace could support the ISTE standards or SAMR, that may be useful information for staff when implementing makerspace in their classrooms.

    I love your name suggestions, but I think you hit the nail on the head when you said you would entrust the naming to the students. As a side note, I particularly enjoyed the name Bob (but I think that is because Bob is my go to name whenever something needs to be named in my classroom).

    Thank you so much for sharing!

  3. Laura

    Katrina! This is amazing! As a side note, I have a weed in my front yard named Bob. Your presentation pace is perfect. Your voice gets the viewer excited to try this challenge. Very well done!
    You have addressed any potential concerns and organizational ideas.
    Wonderful presentation! #ReImaginelearning

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